Medicare is accepted at Burke Eyecare

Medicare is Accepted at Burke Eyecare in Grove, Oklahoma

Burke Eyecare is a Medicare insurance provider in Grove, Oklahoma. Patients’ deductibles have to be met at the time of service in order to use Medicare. The deductible starts over every January 1st. Medicare (Part B) helps with the exam only. It will help with glasses for one time only following cataract surgery. All copays and payments are due at the time of service.

Learn more about Medicare Insurance:

You can learn more about Medicare insurance by going to

Meet Dr. Burke, an eye doctor in Grove, Oklahoma
who practices at Burke Eyecare:

Dr. Burke answers the question,
“How can I prevent diabetes from affecting my eyes?”

Schedule an Eye Exam with Dr. Burke in Grove, OK

You can schedule an eye exam with Dr. Burke in Grove, OK at Burke Eyecare by calling 918-533-9122 or by clicking here to request an eye exam.