Dr. Burke, an eye doctor in Grove, Oklahoma, answers the question, “How can I prevent diabetes from affecting my eyes?”

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Transcript of “Dr. Burke, how can I prevent diabetes from affecting my eyes?”

[Dr. Burke speaking]: Diabetes is the number one cause of blindness is the United States of people under the age of 60, and it’s the second leading cause of blindness in the United States of people over the age of 60. 12,000 to 24,000 new cases of blindness each year are associated with diabetic retinopathy.
“12,000 to 24,000 new cases of blindness each year are associated with diabetic retinopathy.”

You don’t have to be one of these statistics if you keep tight control over your blood sugar or glucose levels by:

#1 Monitor changes in your vision.
Annual eye exams are important with a dilation, and take note of any vision changes that you may be experiencing.

#2 Keep your A1C level under 7%
A1C is a test of your blood sugar levels to determine how well controlled your blood sugar is. The goal is usually to keep it under 7%.

#3 Control blood pressure.
Control blood pressure is number three. People with diabetes have a greater chance of having high blood pressure which can cause ocular vascular damage or damage to the blood vessels within the eye. Keep your blood pressure under 120/80, and this will decrease the chances of vision impairment.

8 principles of health for diabetics:
Always consider these eight principles to follow in controlling both diabetes and blood pressure.

What you take into your body is important in either raising your blood sugar or lowering it. I generally recommend more of a plant-based diet to control and stabilize your blood sugar.

Exercise acts like insulin and takes the sugar out of your bloodstream and enters it into the cell.

Drinking enough water is vital. The recommended dosage of water is generally half your body weight in ounces, and that’s per day.

Sunshine takes the cholesterol and changes it into vitamin D so that it’s beneficial to you.

Be temperate in all things.

Proper air is important. Get fresh air instead of being inside of a building.

Rest is vital. Getting the proper amount of rest per night, eight hours, will help decrease the stress levels as well as help in controlling your blood pressure and diabetes.

Trust in God
Above all, trust in God, putting all your burdens on Him and not taking it on yourself.

Thank you, once again, for your questions at AskGrovesEyeDoctor.com.

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